Communicate with greater impact
Have you ever been caught at the end of a presentation when your audience, perhaps a leadership team or a Steering Committee, looks at you blankly and asks this most uncomfortable question: ‘So what?' How does that help? If you have been in that position once, you don't want to be there again.
You want to know how to answer that question in one single, powerful sentence. Or, even better, set yourself up so nobody asks it.
In this practical book, Davina Stanley and Gerard Castles – communication strategists with decades of experience working with everyone from graduates through to the C-suite – reveal their proven approach.
It’s all about using storylines to get to the ‘So what’ fast, and being able to make a case to back it up. You can unlock the power of the ‘So what’ strategy by taking five steps, which are outlined in this book:
- Understand why mastering storylining is worth the investment.
- Learn how to use a storyline to identify and harness the ‘So what’.
- Master the seven classic storyline patterns.
- Use storylines to shape the communication you share.
- Introduce storylining in your business.
Packed with examples, stories, insights and practical steps, Davina and Gerard show you how to apply these powerful strategies to stop your audiences asking you, ‘So what? How does that help us?

Check if this book is for you
The So What Strategy helps anyone who needs to communicate to ‘get stuff done'. Read it if you want to:
- Be so clear about your point of view you can articulate it in one, powerful sentence
- Consistently craft messages that land, whether you are communicating up through the governance layers of your organisation; to your teams or externally to customers, suppliers, regulators or others
- See your ideas gain traction because you have been understood and because you have engaged your stakeholders up and down your organisation
- Spend less time answering questions and reworking your communication and more time actively contributing to your organisation's success
- Collaborate more efficiently and effectively as you think through substantial pieces of communication
If you want to learn more request a chapter by clicking the button below or ordering a copy.